Special Projects

More often than we'd have ever thought possible, the storied history of our business has brought us in touch with a number of special and wonderful projects. In some, our history was the inspiration for others; in others, it inspired us to try new things; and in some, we've been given the most meaningful opportunities to begin new chapters in that history, both for ourselves and for others.

We are also proud of the part our business has been able to play in helping raise money for a variety of local, state, and national nonprofits including The Community School, Sandwich Children's Center, Town of Sandwich 250th Celebrations, New Hampshire Public Radio, and The American Chestnut Foundation. Since 2012, Tappan Chair donations have helped raise over $40,000 for these worthy organizations!

The Alfred Village Shaker Chairs

 The American Chestnut Foundation Chair

The Enfield, Connecticut Shaker Rocker


"American Sampler"

Kickstarter: "Recrafting a Two Century Old Tradition"